The BIMA100 hall of fame: Introducing Michaela Hinton

Every year, BIMA picks out and celebrates an elite group of 100 people who are smashing it in the world of digital.

Getting a spot on the BIMA100 is no mean feat. Their panel of (hard to please) judges selects out these digital leaders from thousands of applications, and trust us, getting a spot on the list means you're really getting something right.

This year, we get to hang another Great State portrait in the BIMA100 Hall of Fame.

Introducing Michaela Hinton; official Delivery Hero, Project Management Mastermind and Industry Leading Plate Spinner who has been awarded an official spot on the BIMA list for her award-winning project management skills.

Hello, Michaela!

Hello! Who are you and what do you do at Great State?

I’m Michaela, and I’m one of the Delivery Leads here at Great State. I've been part of the GS family for five years, starting off in a more junior role and working my way up through the ranks to where I am today. My job is all about ensuring our projects run smoothly from start to finish, which means I get to work with a fantastic team and some really interesting clients every day.

Project management / Delivery sounds kind of ‘straightforward’. Prove us wrong!

Ah, I can see why it might seem that way on the surface, but there's so much more to it!
Programme Delivery: This isn't just about ticking boxes. It involves coordinating multiple moving parts, managing resources and team capacity, and navigating any roadblocks that come up. Every project has its unique challenges, and it's my job to anticipate them and steer the team in the right direction.

Process and Quality: Keeping a project on track is like conducting an orchestra. It requires a well-defined process that the whole team is bought into and follow, but also the flexibility to adapt when things change. Ensuring high quality means being detail-oriented and always looking for ways to improve.

Leadership: This is perhaps the most dynamic part. Leading a team and managing client relationships requires emotional intelligence, effective communication, and a good dose of self-awareness. It's about inspiring others, fostering a positive team environment, and being the go-to person when challenges arise.

In your view, what attributes make someone a good Delivery Lead? 

I think a good Delivery Lead needs to be a bit of a chameleon, balancing pragmatism with ambition. It's important to be practical and realistic about what can be achieved, but also to inspire the team to strive for excellence. This means setting achievable goals while encouraging everyone to push their boundaries.

Being a Delivery Lead is about much more than just managing timelines and budgets—it's about leading people, driving quality, and constantly looking for ways to do things better. It's challenging, but that's what makes it so rewarding!

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve overcome when it comes to delivery at Great State?

I think the biggest challenge has been demonstrating the value of Delivery in our sprint-based projects. In an agile environment, where the focus is often on rapid development cycles and quick iterations, it can sometimes be hard to showcase the critical role that Delivery plays in the overall success of a project from a standing start. Typically, I’ve found that establishing a strong, trust-based relationship with clients is crucial. By consistently delivering on our promises and being transparent about progress and challenges, we are able to show the value we bring beyond just the technical execution of tasks. 

What advice would you have for someone wanting to become a digital Project Manager?

If you know right off the bat that you want to be a digital PM, good for you! Go for it! But if you’re like many others, myself included, who didn’t start their careers in digital, don’t worry. There are plenty of transferable skills from other industries that make the transition smooth. Skills like communication, organisation, problem-solving, and leadership are universally valuable. So, whether you’re starting in digital or coming from a different field, reach out to other PM’s and get their insights, learn from their experiences, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Building a network and seeking mentorship can be incredibly helpful as you navigate your way into the digital space.

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